OpenBCM V1.07b5 (WIN32)

Packet Radio Mailbox


[JO64HI Fuhlendor]

 Login: GUEST

NL1VKL > ALL      04.10.21 20:01l 31 Lines 1314 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 33215NL1VKL
Subj: Testing 1, 2...
Sent: 211004/2002 @:NL3VKL.NBO.NLD.EU Sally 7.2.055 NL1VKL.NL3VKL.NBO.NLD.EU $:

Message from: NL1VKL@NL3VKL

Testing 1, 2...

Check... The packet radio system and network won't suffer from the current 
Facebook outage the whole world is wining about right now.

Seems like they're having some major BGP issues and can't get the right 
people at the right places to recover from the outage. Aj... I know how 
fucked-up that can be from a profession point of view. Even their own 
employees are having problems using/accessing tools. Lol... I think there's 
someone already searching for a new job. :-)

Good evening to all packeteers.

73! Dave de NL1VKL

 _____ __    ___   _____ _____ __    				  
|   | |  |  |_  | |  |  |  |  |  |       Sysop: Dave
| | | |  |__ _| |_|  |  |    -|  |__     QTH:   Uden - JO21TP
|_|___|_____|_____|\___/|__|__|_____|    BBS:   NL3VKL.NBO.NLD.EU
                                         QRV:   27.235 MHz (FM 1k2)
                                                27.365 MHz (LSB 1k2)                                           
NL5VKL Net/Rom node / internet gateway
** This message is generated with Sally 7.2.055

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